class TCPDF : メソッド setUserRights

PDFリーダ向けのユーザー権限を設定する。 WARNING: This is experimental and currently do not work. Check the PDF Reference 8.7.1 Transform Methods, Table 8.105 Entries in the UR transform parameters dictionary

publicメソッド、Version 2.9.000~

setUserRights( $enable, $document, $annots, $form, $signature )


bool $enable true trueであれば、ユーザ権限設定を使用する
string $document '/FullSave' Names specifying additional document-wide usage rights for the document. The only defined value is "/FullSave", which permits a user to save the document along with modified form and/or annotation data.
string $annots '/Create/Delete/Modify/Copy/Import/Export' Names specifying additional annotation-related usage rights for the document. Valid names in PDF 1.5 and later are /Create/Delete/Modify/Copy/Import/Export, which permit the user to perform the named operation on annotations.
string $form '/Add/Delete/FillIn/Import/Export/SubmitStandalone/SpawnTemplate' Names specifying additional form-field-related usage rights for the document. Valid names are: /Add/Delete/FillIn/Import/Export/SubmitStandalone/SpawnTemplate
string $signature '/Modify' Names specifying additional signature-related usage rights for the document. The only defined value is /Modify, which permits a user to apply a digital signature to an existing signature form field or clear a signed signature form field.
string $ef '/Create/Delete/Modify/Import' Names specifying additional usage rights for named embedded files in the document. Valid names are /Create/Delete/Modify/Import, which permit the user to perform the named operation on named embedded files Names specifying additional embedded-files-related usage rights for the document.
string $formex '' Names specifying additional form-field-related usage rights. The only valid name is BarcodePlaintext, which permits text form field data to be encoded as a plaintext two-dimensional barcode.