class TCPDF : メソッド setSpacesRE


Non-Unicode or missing PCRE unicode support: "/[^\S\xa0]/"
Unicode and PCRE unicode support: "/[^\S\P{Z}\xa0]/u"
Unicode and PCRE unicode support in Chinese mode: "/[^\S\P{Z}\P{Lo}\xa0]/u"
if PCRE unicode support is turned ON ("\P" is the negate class of "\p"):
"\p{Z}" or "\p{Separator}": any kind of Unicode whitespace or invisible separator.
"\p{Lo}" or "\p{Other_Letter}": a Unicode letter or ideograph that does not have lowercase and uppercase variants.
"\p{Lo}" is needed for Chinese characters because are packed next to each other without spaces in between.

publicメソッド、Version 4.6.016~

setSpacesRE( $re )


string $re regular expression (leave empty for default). 正規表現